Saturday, February 19, 2011

I Am Sorry To God And My Daughter

I am sorry that I am not the person you needed me to be. I have tried but I am not strong enough. As a child I was beaten and abused in other ways I will never forget although I wish I could. I always believed that one day you would come and save all us children. As time went by I grew and the abuse continued now I am an adult and the abuse still continues. I am sorry that I have fallen short of what you wanted me to be. I know the easy way would have been to become part of the system and just go along like all the others but I in good conscience could not do that. I live in a town of over 3 million people and I don’t have one single true friend. They all go out with their friends but don’t invite me because they are friends with people who don’t like me. Their friendship with those who would do me harm is more important than me. I have always tried to be a good person and it has cost me a great deal. I won’t say I am perfect nor am I trying to portray that image for that would be a lie. I will say I have always tried to be a good person and make God and, my Granny proud. I tried to always instill strength and good morals in my children and, can only hope that I did well. I will never know with my son the system made sure he couldn’t survive. My daughter bless her heart got all my strength and more she has a good heart and I am very proud of the person she is becoming. She will need all of that in the years to come I am thankful God is not making her go through this alone like I did. Tyrone is a wonderful man and a good father to their child. He was so naive to the system until he met my daughter he didn’t know how bad it could get. Since his mother worked for the system he never saw it from our side of the tracks. He is a good person and strives like her to be a better person. Please God don’t make them suffer like I had to, please make my years of suffering be payment for them so that they don’t have to go through anymore hardship. For the last 3 years I have been more alone than in any other time in my life. I spend my days with almost no human contact at all except for the contact I have on the Internet and a lot of that is not good. I am attacked a lot for the work that I do to try and protect children. I realize the system does not care about these children they only care about the money they are worth. For me to be able to live with myself I have to do what God expects me to do. My job as a human being is to do all that I can to help others who need me which I try to do the best that I can. If the only way that I can survive is to become part of the Devil’s system then I refuse, I would rather die. I am more concerned with my mortal soul then I am with the Devil’s society accepting me. I wish I had the strength that you gave to Martin Luther King or Medgar Evers but I am so sorry that I do not. I also wish I had the support that they had by others but I don’t and I never will. I thought that history would never repeat itself in this form after people became so appalled at what our country could do to others in the 60's. I really thought the 60's were going to bring about change and it did to some extent. I really believed in Martin Luther King’s Dream I now believe that he set his heights to high. I can only hope that God will understand if I fall short and can’t handle life here on earth anymore. Please forgive me if the constant ridicule, loneliness, and threats upon my life become more then I can personally bear. I will not let them take my life that is the one thing I will reserve for myself. They have taken everything that I worked my whole life to achieve but, my life is the one thing I won’t let them have. When and IF the time comes I will be nicer to myself then they ever were I will make it quick and as painless as possible I personally feel I have suffered enough. I tried to do the best that I could it was just too much for me to do all alone. I am just not evil enough for Devil’s world and I am not good enough to be a part of yours, so please God I ask that you forgive me. I tried to be the best person that I could be with the knowledge that I had I am sorry that it was not good enough. I only ask now God that you forgive me for whatever my future may bring.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

DHS/CPS destroys another family

This is what happened to Dave & Tiffany O'Shell this is so sad but needs to be told I am sending it everywhere I can think of. What a shame these beautiful young people had to go like this I so know how that man feels to bad he wasn't related to somebody maybe he could have gotten help before it went this far this is such a shame. I hope those people that did this are severely punished by God himself.
http://m.rockymount news/2008/ oct/31/infant- wasnt-abused- had-fatal- malady/

Saturday, August 30, 2008

DHS steals children for $$$Money$$$

This is my beautiful grandson that has been kidnapped by DHS for money. They are lying in court and I have proven they doctored a drug test to show that my daughter uses drugs when she doesn't. I know we are never going to see him again but I have to do something so I am doing this. It is at least better than the alternative. We miss him so much and we cry everyday. He is my only grandson and my daughter's only child she has learned her lesson though she will never have another child. These people are evil and knowing they are paid by tax payer money and the money from the illegal kidnappings makes want to never pay taxes again. The ones they can't dump off somewhere they put in foster care with child abusers, molesters, murderers and these poor children are left to suffer at the hands of these people all while they say they are doing what is in the best interest of the child. Too bad that the laws that apply to us as citizens don't apply to them. My poor grandchild God please forgive me for not being able to protect him.

This is the woman that stole my grandchild I don't think it is fair that she gets to keep her child when we can't. She has a crimminal record and we don't. She has an active current warrant for her arrest for writing hot checks and we don't. I have never even had a traffic ticket. She can't even manage her own life why is the government giving her the right to mess up mine? This woman is a snake and she also does not like white people. Too bad for me I happen to be white. She steals other peoples children for the money not because it is the right thing to do. Because of her and this mess that she has made I will never trust anybody ever again. She claims to go to church every Sunday but can't remember to not break the 8th and 9th commandment on a daily basis. So in fact she lies to God everyday if there is a God anymore this woman should be in for a rude awaking on judgment day.

These are a couple of shirts that I had made to wear.
I had several of them done and now when I go to the Capital, the Governors or anywhere else I might go I wear one of my shirts. The one with my grandsons face I wore to court. The social workers were not to happy with my choice of clothing I said oh well I am not happy with you kidnapping my grandchild illegally either.

If anyone is interested part of my story is on U Tube by the only person I could find in the State Of Oklahoma who is not afraid of DHS. I really wish I could say that I am the only one because I would not wish this nightmare off on anybody unfortunately I can't it is nationwide.