Saturday, August 30, 2008

DHS steals children for $$$Money$$$

This is my beautiful grandson that has been kidnapped by DHS for money. They are lying in court and I have proven they doctored a drug test to show that my daughter uses drugs when she doesn't. I know we are never going to see him again but I have to do something so I am doing this. It is at least better than the alternative. We miss him so much and we cry everyday. He is my only grandson and my daughter's only child she has learned her lesson though she will never have another child. These people are evil and knowing they are paid by tax payer money and the money from the illegal kidnappings makes want to never pay taxes again. The ones they can't dump off somewhere they put in foster care with child abusers, molesters, murderers and these poor children are left to suffer at the hands of these people all while they say they are doing what is in the best interest of the child. Too bad that the laws that apply to us as citizens don't apply to them. My poor grandchild God please forgive me for not being able to protect him.

This is the woman that stole my grandchild I don't think it is fair that she gets to keep her child when we can't. She has a crimminal record and we don't. She has an active current warrant for her arrest for writing hot checks and we don't. I have never even had a traffic ticket. She can't even manage her own life why is the government giving her the right to mess up mine? This woman is a snake and she also does not like white people. Too bad for me I happen to be white. She steals other peoples children for the money not because it is the right thing to do. Because of her and this mess that she has made I will never trust anybody ever again. She claims to go to church every Sunday but can't remember to not break the 8th and 9th commandment on a daily basis. So in fact she lies to God everyday if there is a God anymore this woman should be in for a rude awaking on judgment day.

These are a couple of shirts that I had made to wear.
I had several of them done and now when I go to the Capital, the Governors or anywhere else I might go I wear one of my shirts. The one with my grandsons face I wore to court. The social workers were not to happy with my choice of clothing I said oh well I am not happy with you kidnapping my grandchild illegally either.

If anyone is interested part of my story is on U Tube by the only person I could find in the State Of Oklahoma who is not afraid of DHS. I really wish I could say that I am the only one because I would not wish this nightmare off on anybody unfortunately I can't it is nationwide.



We are organizing a class action lawsuit against the County of Riverside, the State of California, and all parties involved in unlawfully detaining and holding our children against our will, and without cause. We have documented the deep, imbedded corruption in the “social services” agencies in California. We have filed three lawsuits so far, and are looking for other families who have also been annihilated by this evil. Email us at or go to the link at to join the fight to save our children.
• CPS manufactures multiple nonexistent/fictitious abuse case scenarios to offset true statistical abuse case information.
• CPS concurrently processes these children from foster care to Adoption, in order to obtain perverse monetary incentives in the form of bonuses.
• CPS provides a market to neighboring agencies and the courts (Judges, psychologists, visitation monitors, court mandated behavioral class instructors, court appointed legal counsel, etc...), in order for them to financially benefit from the foster care/adoption system they themselves perpetuate.
• CPS victimizes innocent financially challenged families, and draws them into a corrupt system to utilize their children as pawns for this corrupt child commerce.
• CPS is utilized by family court officials and attorneys as an adverse tool to extricate children from one parent to the other, with reference to "parental alienation syndrome," where in truth, the CPS caseworkers are the ones initiating the alienation of these children from their own birth parents. Caseworkers are never allowed to testify in court under the cloak of "CPS Authority" due to possible misuse or conflict of interest related to right to privacy laws (Very convenient)
• CPS utilizes unlawful & coercive measures to persuade vulnerable parents to submit to statements of nonexistent abuse, forcing desperate parents to "plea bargain" to a CPS fabricated crime, for the return of their children from foster care.
• CPS fabricates false allegations and most of their "investigations" to purposely mislead or misdirect a case.
• CPS intentionally fails to prosecute Parents accused of child abuse, since in the majority of cases, no initial crime has been committed. However, CPS continues to claim a crime has been committed, as THEY abuse/neglect the children.
• CPS knowingly abandons children into the foster care system, conscious that some individuals in these homes physically and/or sexually abuse those in their "protective" custody. CPS ignores crimes committed in foster care through failure to investigate.
• CPS fails to question these individuals for their abusive conduct, whereby, if it were a birth parent or not a foster care parent, these individuals would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in criminal court.
• CPS represents themselves in positive personas by omitting, altering, and falsifying documents, so as to mislead the public and or government of their true actions as listed above. Thereby publicly grandstanding, displaying an inaccurate social martyrdom for the well being of children.

The Police should determine if children need protection from their own parents, since child abuse is a Criminal offense.

Riverside County and CPS adopted out our beautiful, healthy, newborn infant daughter, completely AGAINST OUR WILL, and against the law when she was only EIGHT HOURS OLD. They already had it all set up with their KANGAROO COURTS AND THEIR TURN-KEY ADOPT-A-WHITE-BABY COMMERCE SYSTEM. Neither parent had any history nor usage of any illegal drugs, and our daughter was born with an APGAR score of 9.8, with absolutely NO DRUGS in her or her mother’s systems. The Palm Springs Desert Regional Medical Center staged a urine test that was tampered with and was wrong, and they refused to use the mother’s blood or re-test her at all. The one urine test was the ONLY basis for their illegal abduction of our newborn infant, and it has been an illegal "legal loophole" battering of our daughter and our Parental rights ever since. On August 8, 2007, our newborn daughter was illegally and forcefully taken by William Michael Biles of Banning CPS, with the help of eight others at Desert Regional Medical center, with no court order nor warrant, and no police present. He physically threatened mother and newborn with the statement “Give me that baby NOW, or you and her will be physically hurt!” and we have fought for our daughter since. CPS contrived multiple hearsay untruths and presented falsifications to the court, without our knowledge. Judge Christopher Sheldon approved the criminal ADOPTION, then granted us a "Contested Jurisdictional Hearing," and then suddenly, the case was transferred to Southwest Adjudication Center, where Commissioner Fernandez declared he lacked the power to render a Judgment on another Judge's decision to have the Contested Jurisdiction Hearing, then Fernandez took it off calendar, where it stands today......we have been denied our daughter in this illegal kidnapping, and we have located proof that the County of Riverside and DRMC routinely set new mothers up this way, very often to take newborn white, healthy, drug-free babies to sell them on their own twisted underground baby market. We have been violated entirely, and we will keep fighting for our daughter.
CONTACT US AT for more information about the lawsuit. We have also just started a petition that we ask you to please sign and distribute to everyone else you know to sign. We have just created and signed the petition: "CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT AGAINST CPS/DPSS/DFS/HRS FOR KIDNAPPING BABIES TO SELL". Please take a moment to read about this important issue, and join us in signing the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a difference. We are trying to reach 1000 signatures - please sign here: Once you have signed, you can help even more by asking your friends and family to sign as well.
Thank you!

saludevil said...

Dana, bless your heart for putting this on the web. I'm also a grandma who had 2 of my grandkids KIDNAPPED by this unlawful agency. We finally got them back but it took 12 years and all of my retirement savings. These people are inhuman vultures.
Sally Hindley

unhappygrammy said...

My grandchildren were stolen from their parent's by DCYF in Nashua, NH. The DCYF Lawyer committed perjury in court. We proved she lied, yet the kid's are still gone. My granddaughter was adopted illegally, while an Injunction was pending to stop the adoption. I am still fighting and will never stop until these animal's go down for their misdeed's.
After the kid's were taken, I hung big yellow bows on the front of the house. I told my neighbors my story. They've stood by me and even tried to testify in court for me. They were forbidden to do so. I am asking everyone who has lost children to DCYF to please display yellow ribbons for each child taken. Yellow signify's your waiting for a loved one to come home. Please join me in this campain for our children and grandchildren. Leave the ribbons on display until the children are returned. Mine have been up for three year's. Maybe this will push our government into doing something to help our families. Good luck to you and your fight, as I wish everyone luck who has had the unfortunate experience of having to deal with the DCYF Guistapo.

Enchantresslady said...

I feel your pain. My four children were kidnapped from me because their "father" was a violent man. Everytime I escaped his torment (WITH my children), he would find a way to torment us even more.
They took the children from me stating that I could not financially support them. I got 2 FULL time jobs, then they told me that I didn't have the time for them. Yet they gave the children to their abusive father!
The social worker was fresh out of college, NO children of her own. And talk about perjury! EVERY time we went to court, social services perjured themselves! As well as the guardian ad litem! They would also fabricate things right there in the courtroom! I was not allowed to provide any evidence that they were lying, as the judge told me that it was "unethical" to hear from me!
They expect you to be happy that they have kidnapped your life. When you stand up to them, you get labeled as having "anger issues".
I haven't seen my children in 3 years.
The federal government defines child abuse and neglect as "Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or
An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm." This is found on their website I left the situation and asked them for their help... the social worker looked me straight in the eyes and said, "I will help the children, but I will not help you!"
What kind of world are we living in when NO family is safe... unless you work for the government!?
I am in the beginning years of law school to help people like us. Not many lawyers out there are willing to fight the government... I am not afraid!!! Unless, of course, you have so much money that you don't know what to do with it! I will fight with my dying breath! I will probably be the poorest lawyer there ever was, but it will be for something meaningful!
You, as well as everybody else going through this nightmare, are in my thoughts and prayers.

Unknown said...

I feel for you we are going through the same thing for the third time and if we lose these two I can't have anymore nor will I want any but I will actually be figuring out how to get ss shut down. I will be filling a class action lawsuit and going to congress and further if I can I want these peoples jobs!!!!! So Please hang in there. I feel your pain they will be dealt with.